Tuesday 28 July 2009

With a little help from my friends!

My little cat has decided that I need some help with getting back to blog land:

She's a cutie and she's called Snuggles. She's not actually my cat - she wandered in one day and has decided to stay. Her name really suits her as she loves a 'snuggle' or as we say in Wales a 'cwtch'.

There's been very little time for crafting but I have managed a couple of cards.
These 2 cards were made from a kit from QVC. One is a birthday card for my youngest sister and the other is a birthday card for my penpal Hazel. They were both A5 cards.

This was the card I made for FIL for Father's Day. I recycled the tree image from another card.

And this was the RAK card I sent to Hazel in June.
The papers were free in a magazine. The inside is decoupaged.
I've been through my stash and come up with some things to put in a Blog Candy. I notice I've gone way over the 1000 posts, so thanks to everyone for sticking with me and my much neglected blog. I'm hoping to photograph the blog candy today and put the picture up tomorrow.
Take care everyone and hopefully I'll be posting again
tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Two months later…..

.......WOW! Is it really 2 months since I updated my blog? Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun (not!)?
So, what has been so important that it’s kept me away from blog land? Firstly I’ve been looking for a job and one application in particular has required a lot of my time and attention. I applied for a vacancy with the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) with the job centre. The only people recreating at the moment is the job centre – a sign of the times sadly. The DWP are recruiting countrywide and in my area alone there are 70 jobs up for grabs. The recruitment process is very drawn out. The application form has 2 full pages of scenarios with a choice of 4 answers that you have to put in the order of which you are most likely to do. If you answer these correctly you’re invited to sit literacy tests. When I went there were 290 people being tested (this was only in my region of the DWP). In the English test there was 15 mistakes and you had to find 9 to pass (I had a score of 13). With the Maths there was 20 questions and you needed 10 correct answers to pass (I had 14). I was told on the day that I’d passed and then given a date for interview. They helped you prepare for interview by telling you the type of questions you would be asked so that you had time to think of situations you’d previously been in and how you’d dealt with them. Two weeks after the interview I had a letter telling me I’d passed – but this wasn’t a job offer. They then go on to do pre employment checks such as CRB, health checks and references. Well it’s now more than 6 weeks since I had that letter, I’ve received a copy of my CRB but my referees haven’t been contacted yet. I’ve phoned the DWP and they’ve told me there’s a huge backlog because of the number of vacancies being filled. So meanwhile I leap on the postie every day (he’s getting used to it now!) to see if there’s a letter from the DWP.
In-between keeping the DWP staff in employment I’ve been decorating. Hubby and I stripped FIL’s bedroom back to the bare bones. FIL was away on holiday at the time and we had to get it finished before he came home – he suffers with severe anxiety and he wouldn’t have coped with the mess and disruption. It was a lot of hard work and I was exhausted by the time FIL came home. The holiday did him good (he stayed with his sister) and he came home looking and feeling really well. Unfortunately that didn’t last! He decided that as he was feeling so well he’d stop taking some of his medication. The ones he chose were steroids! He’s also not been caring for him self – no bathing, changing clothes, eating properly nor doing anything (probably because he’s been feeling really rotten due to the withdrawal symptoms from stopping his meds). So we’ve had a bit of a battle getting him to take them again and to understand that he can’t just stop taking them. Hubby’s been to his dad’s every morning, before work, to make sure he’s taking them and to sit with him while he has some breakfast. He’s then left instructions for his dad to have a bath and change all his clothes. I then go to the bungalow in the afternoon to check he’s done everything, collect his dirty clothes and help him prepare a meal. We then phone him in the evening to remind him to take the rest of his tablets. Thankfully he’s now a lot better and I just hope he keeps it up.
On top of all of this, under Doctor’s supervision, I’ve stopped taking the antidepressants. I think it’s a sign that I’ve overcome the depression because I’ve coped with everything that’s been thrown at me lately.
Well I think that’s everything that’s been going on in my life – thanks to those who have managed to read this far! LOL! As a Thank You for sticking with me, and my blog, during my absence, and also as I’m fast approaching 1000 visits, I’m going to look out some of my stash for a Blog Candy. Watch this space for further info. Bye for now, and hopefully it won’t be another 2 months until my next posting. I'm now off to check all of your blog entries from the last 2 months.

Thursday 30 April 2009

Hubby's 50th Birthday

My dear hubby was 50 yesterday bless him! I made him a word book - I'm afraid there's six photos all together!

The photos are from the day he spent at the rugby in March. He and his lifelong friend had a hospitiality package to see the Wales/Ireland match. The were chaeuffeur driven to Cardiff Castle where they were greeted by a Welsh Male Voice choir. Then into the castle for a 4 course meal and free drinks, off to the match and back to the castle for more food, drinks and after dinner speeches. They had a great time and were given special treatment as they thought there birthdays were that day! They even had a cake with candles for them both.
I've been blog hopping today and there's some great candy on offer over at http://katharina1704.blogspot.com/2009/04/woj-elisabeth-bell-summer-stamp-kit.html
It closes tomorrow so get ver there now to be in with a chance of winning.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Blog award

Nothing for ages and then 2 posts in one day! LOL.

Just been blog hopping and I've been given a blog award by my mate Hazel (http://didosdesigns.blogspot.com/)
I now have to pass it on to 5 others. I've chosen these blogs because I just love their cards:

1 http://rosaswelt.blogspot.com/

2 http://pinkgem-janet.blogspot.com/

3 http://charmedcrafts.blogspot.com/

4 http://kimpiggott.blogspot.com/

5 http://kimfeecrafter.blogspot.com/

Neglected Blog!

I've been missing from blog land for sometime - my poor blog! But thanks for sticking with me and continuing to add comments. It's greatly appreciated.
I'm having a break from Craft Forums at the mo as something on one has upset me big time! So my blog is now getting some much needed attention.
Anyway thought I'd do a catch up on a couple of cards I've made recently.

I made this for my godson's 12th birthday. His parents were buying him a guitar so I thought I'd use a guitar image as my theme. You can't tell from the pic but there are 3 frames surrounding the guitar,a yellow, black and black/yellow one. These are raised onto 3d foam. The top frame then has music note peeloffs added to it. The card was created using Card Creations+ Toolbox CD.

This card was for a friend's birthday and again I used a card making CD. This time it was My Craft Studio The Finishing Touch. I changed the colours and printed it onto card. I also went over some of the flower petals with a sakura clear glaze pen.
I always thought Match-it peeloffs were a bit pointless - until I
used them! This card was made using the oriental matchits and is
an A6. The vase has been curved slightly so the flowers would fit behind. Some of the flowers are also
lifted up with silicone glue to make them look more like a vase of flowers would in real life.
I'm now going to try and make a card for hubbies 50th birthday as it's......tomorrow! See Ya!

Sunday 5 April 2009

Some cards - at last!

This card was for a RAK group I belong to. The image is from a Fee J CD. I created the background using Card Creations + Toolbox CD. The swirly pattern under the image was stamped straight on the card but it didn't stamp clearly. So I restamped it onto a piece of card and placed over the original messy bit!

I liked the previous card so much I made a second version. Again the image is from a FeeJ CD and I created the paper using the Toolbox CD. This card was for Hazel ( http://didosdesigns.blogspot.com/) and I also made 2 ATCs to go with the card.

For the first ATC I used a paper I found on a teabag folding site. The ribbon slides were freebies from a magazine - I think!
The second ATC I used up the remaining BP from the card. The flowers were a freebie from a magazine and the button I found in my late MILs button box (it was way too pretty to throw away).

I always say that I hate making ATCs but I did enjoy making these. I even like the second one and had to force myself to put it in the envelope to Hazel!
The weather is beautiful here today, hope you're having the same. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

Friday 3 April 2009

Quick posting.

Just been blog hopping and wanted to share a couple of great blog candies with you.
Pop over and check out :


Camilla is Dutch but her blog can be translated into English. (Apologies Camilla is Norwegian)


Jules has some really cute stamps in her blog - a deer and an owl to name just 2.

Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll have time to post piccies of cards I've made recently, but I'm not holding my breath!
Hugs to all.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Busy Busy!!

Been ssooo busy lately - no time to blog and very little time to craft. I have a new toy and have been kept busy using it.
Unfortunately not a crafting toy but .......................................... a Bissell carpet cleaner! LOL! Hubby's wanted one for sometime so when we saw it on offer we bought it. Some how though hubby isn't the one who uses it. My right arm/shoulder/hip now ache for Wales.
FIL has also kept me quite busy not just with washing/ironing/cleaning but with trying to keep him calm and not worry over every little thing. Had him on the phone yesterday in tears as he'd had a letter he couldn't deal with. Hey Ho I'm sure things will improve soon.
Hope to get back to crafting and posting soon. Take care all - see ya!

Saturday 14 March 2009

Sister's Oriental card

One of my sisters had her birthday on Tuesday. This is the card I made for her using Oriental Match-Its. The lilac backing paper is one I found online somewhere. I've introduced my sister to card making so she will have looked at it very closely to see what I'd used! Hope you had a good day Audrey.

A7 swap

I recently joined a new swap on http://www.crafttelly.com/forum/.

We decided to try our hands at making an A7 card - it's a bit bigger than an ATC. I've always struggled with ATCs but thought I'd have a go.

The backing paper was free from a magazine. I stamped the image and watercoloured it using Derwent pencils. I enjoy watercolouring, why I don't do more I don't know!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Blog watch!

I've been catching up and the blogs I follow and have come across some scrummy blog candy at http://kath-allthatglitter.blogspot.com/2009/02/happy-birthday-blog-and-candy-too.html#comment-form

It's one of my sister's birthday today so if I was to win I'd just have to share the candy with her - wouldn't I? But with over 300 entries I don't think there's much chance of me winning.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Card Competition

I entered a card comp in February. It was run by Fee over on http://www.feejdesigns.yuku.com/directory.
She provides the papers and you have to follow certain rules. This time there had to be at least one button.
I forgot to take a photo of the inside but it's an 'exploding' card. The insert is a bit like those paper things we used to play with as kids. The one you put your fingertips into and opened and closed the them. Do you know what I mean?
I didn't win but I came second!!! My prize was to pick a CD rom from her website to the value of £15.99. I have a lot of her CDs but found one that had passed me by so I picked 'Girly Girly'. can't wait for it to come.

Monday 2 March 2009

Scor-pal giveaway

More blog candy this time a Scor-pal. I've wanted one of these for sometime so fingers crossed!
If you want to join in then pop along to Wendy's blog:

The Crafty Pad Blog Candy

Just been blog hopping and came across some blog candy at The Crafty Pad. Pop over there for a chance to win a great new stamp: http://thecraftypad.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-candy.html

Blog Award!

Hey! I have my first Blog Award!!!! Thank you Hazel (http://didosdesigns.blogspot.com/) for this award - you're a pal!

Now the hard part, I have to pass it on to 10 other blogs.

1 The first one is easy, I've followed his blog for sometime now and it's a pleasure to pass this on to him. It's Fabrizio or Fabyon as he's also known as http://craftingmad.blogspot.com/

2 and 3 I've recently joined a forum (yes another one!) http://www.feejdesigns.yuku.com/directory and 2 of the members have blogs that I follow.
http://denyze-densden.blogspot.com/ and my namesake http://www.pjayscraftblog.blogspot.com/

4 I know Phree from another forum (http://www.crafttelly.com/forum/) and have followed her blog for a while http://inkstainsurvivor.blogspot.com/

5 This just had to be number 5!! This young lady is 5 years old and has her own blog. You deserve this award Holly and I hope you get many more .http://hollyspaperworld.blogspot.com/

6 I love the cards on the next blog they are amazing! http://sandradrydesigns.blogspot.com/

7 When I came across the name of this next blog I just had to put it in my favourites! http://bling-kin-eck.blogspot.com/

8 http://bubble-deb.blogspot.com/ Another blog where I love the card designs.

9 Now for an overseas blogger - Brandi. Again another great name for a blog!

10 Lastly but by now means least - I love the clean, uncluttered look of Amanda's cards. http://littlespaceofmyown.blogspot.com/

There were a few more I'd have liked to give this to but they already had it!!

Have a good day everyone - I hope to be adding to my blog more often, life just seems to get in the way all the time!

Friday 27 February 2009

Two of a kind

I made this card for a friend's birthday and liked the image and colours so much I made a similar one for my penfriend.

The next photo is of the card opened out:

I also sent her the following ATCs:

I don't enjoy making ATCs (as my penfriend Hazel will testify!). I don't know why this is as they're only small cards. But I'm never happy with the finished item. It doesn't help that Hazel makes some beautiful ATCs! I'm sure she appreciated the effort that went into making these 3.
It's taken me ages to work out how to post photos. Why does the first one added come up last in the post? Anyway it looks as if I got there after many tries.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Blog Candy

I've just been reading on Dido' Designs Blog (my penfriend) that there is blog candy on offer at
and also at

As this is my first entry on my blog I don't know if this will work so fingers crossed for when I hit the enter button!