I've gone back to a very old CD rom for this card - Simple But Stylish by Sharon Duncan (2005). I think this little girl is really cute and have used her previously for a sister's birthday card. This time I've flipped the image so that the girls would be facing each other on the front of the card. I've also resized the frames from the same cd. Inside I've used another Sharon Duncan CD rom, Embossibilities - Celebration. I've printed the candle design in purple on both sides of the paper and folded it to make an exploding card. I've made several of these cards in the past - some were requested by friends after they'd seen one I'd made for my hubby's auntie.The card is finished of with peeloffs, ribbon and gems from my stash.
The card is very difficult to photgraph/scan. The first photo was scanned but came out very white/bright. And the photo of the interior doesn't really show the 'Wow' factor when the recipient opens it.

Dashing off to post on the CD Sunday Blog before they close the challenge today. Good luck everyone who enters, there's some beautiful cards been entered.