Hey! I have my first Blog Award!!!! Thank you Hazel (
http://didosdesigns.blogspot.com/) for this award - you're a pal!
Now the hard part, I have to pass it on to 10 other blogs.
1 The first one is easy, I've followed his blog for sometime now and it's a pleasure to pass this on to him. It's Fabrizio or Fabyon as he's also known as
http://craftingmad.blogspot.com/2 and 3 I've recently joined a forum (
yes another one!)
http://www.feejdesigns.yuku.com/directory and 2 of the members have blogs that I follow.
http://denyze-densden.blogspot.com/ and my namesake
http://www.pjayscraftblog.blogspot.com/4 I know Phree from another forum (
http://www.crafttelly.com/forum/) and have followed her blog for a while
http://inkstainsurvivor.blogspot.com/5 This just had to be number 5!! This young lady is 5 years old and has her own blog. You deserve this award Holly and I hope you get many more .
http://hollyspaperworld.blogspot.com/6 I love the cards on the next blog they are amazing!
http://sandradrydesigns.blogspot.com/7 When I came across the name of this next blog I just had to put it in my favourites!
http://bubble-deb.blogspot.com/ Another blog where I love the card designs.
9 Now for an overseas blogger - Brandi. Again another great name for a blog!
http://barelybananadays.blogspot.com/10 Lastly but by now means least - I love the clean, uncluttered look of Amanda's cards.
http://littlespaceofmyown.blogspot.com/There were a few more I'd have liked to give this to but they already had it!!
Have a good day everyone - I hope to be adding to my blog more often, life just seems to get in the way all the time!